04-20-07 - Scholarship 5K Run
I went back and forth all week as to whether I would run this or not. I ran my last 5K last July and swore I wouldn't run another one until I got some weight off and got back in shape. This race is only 4 miles from my house so it is kind of silly not to do it. Plus, there is a race on this same course in the fall so I could run this race, see where I am time wise, then run it again in the fall and see what improvement I have made over the summer.
I ran in to a friend and chatted with him for a bit before the race. As we went to line up he stoped in the front and I kept going. Normally I line up right behind him. He usually finishes in the top 5 and occassionally wins a race, I used to finish in the top 15 or so. He asked me where I was going and I told him I am too slow right now to get up there with him.
After I found a place where I felt comfortable starting we got the starting command and off we went. I tried to run a pace where my breathing was under control but right on the limit. About 1/2 mile in to the race we settled in to a group that was all running about the same pace and pretty much kept that formation for the next 2 miles. As we passed the 1 mile mark I hit my watch and snuck a peak at my split. I was pleasantly suprised. Although it was well off the pace I normally would have hit the mile in, given my current conditioning I was very pleased! We continue on and as I come around a corner I see Kathy and Glenn and Glenn claps loud and yells "run Daddy!!!" Pass the mile 2 marker and I have slowed about 20 seconds. At about the 2.5 mile marker 3 of the guys in our group take off and I don't know if I should try to go with them or just keep my pace and enjoy a good race. I decided to let them go, then another one takes off. I went with him and actually passed him at about the 2.75 mile mark. We turn the last corner and have .1 to go. I am not really pushing it as hard as I can but am pushing. We enter the cones/tape chute at the finish line and the guy I passed blows by me inside the cones with 5 yards to go. I hear another one a couple steps behind him and take a step over to block him. What's up with that? What are you doing passing in the chute? I don't know- I have mixed feelings with passing in the chute.
We went in for the award ceremony to watch my friend get his plaque. He finished 5th over all and first in his age group. To my suprise, I finished 3rd in my age group, 37th overall. Wierd- sometimes I will finish 15th overall and 5th or 6th in my age group- then this time, 37th overall and 3rd in age group. Guess the speedsters were waiting for the Saturday morning races.
mile 1- 7:13
mile 2- 7:34
mile 3- 7:21
.1 - :45
Total: 22:54
Avg. pace-7.24