Monday, October 01, 2012

"Want to" doesn't equal "will"

I have had about 20 false starts to running this year. Seems I get a good start, miss a couple of runs, then before I know it 3-4 weeks has passed and I am starting over. I don't think I have over 100 miles in for this year. I miss running but can't seem to get a good steady flow going. I know once I get back in to some similance of shape that I will be more apt to making myself get out there even when other things come up. Guess I have to get over the ego thing of not being able to run any where near the speeds I could at one time and not being able to run 2 miles without walking.


At 2:33 PM, Blogger Trishie said...

Hey! It's good to see you again. I still look back fondly on our run together through Richmond :)

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Alan said...

I do too! That was one of the funnest marathons I have run. We'll have to do it again (if I can ever get back in marathon shape).


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