Recap of week beginning 07-24-06:
Week 3
Skipped Monday's added run again. I have ramped up my mileage pretty quickly and don't want to do too much too soon. Maybe next week I will add it in.
Tuesday was supposed to be 8 miles with 4 at half marathon pace. I opened the door to head out and it was foggy/muggy/warm which worried me. I started out for a 2 mile warm up and felt pretty good. At 2 miles I sped up to "percieved" half mp and immediately couldn't breath. I stopped and walked to catch my breath, tried it again- same thing. I decided to run mile 3 at normal pace then try it again at mile 3. No go. I ended up trying to just run a good 8 mile run but it turned out to not really be that good of a run. I was glad to get it over with. My legs were tired and sore the rest of the day. I almost physically got sick during the run and felt like I could "lose my lunch" at any time for most of the day.
Wed- had a pretty good 6 mile run at recovery pace. I didn't care about pace- I just ran and enjoyed the cooler morning. My hamstrings are still sore for some reason. Amazing how the same temp can feel so much different from day to day just because of humidity differences.
Thurs- 10 mile run went ok. My legs got heavy around mile 5 and I walked a little in the late miles but no longer than I would if I had been walking through water stops in a race.
Fri- rest day. Feel like I am coming down with a head cold.
Sat- woke up early to go run and felt liek crap. I rolled back over and went back to sleep thinking the extra sleep would do me good. Woke up later feeling about the same but went out for a 3 mile run. Left shortly after that to go to the lake house for some relaxation. Planned on running my long run while at the lake but it never happened. I felt pretty guilty for missing my long run (14 miles) which is a good thing. I didn't feel much guilt when missing runs for my last race. I want to run these days so hopefully that means I am getting the fire back. I want to run a good race this fall. My total for the week was 27 miles which I am disappointed in, but in retrospect, that was one of my high weeks when training for my last race. Also- I am going to try to go back to running 6 days a week this week, so I will just look at last week as a step back week going in to harder weeks.
Mon- rest day
Tues- 8 miles
Wed- 6 miles
Thurs- 10 miles
Fri- rest day
Sat- 3 miles
Sun- missed 14 mile run
Total - 27 miles