Friday, June 23, 2006

Week of 06-19-06:
Mon- no run
Tues- 5 miles
Wed- 6 miles
Thurs- A.M.- 6 miles
P.M.- upper body weights and core work
Fri- rest day
Sat- 5 miles
Sun- 10 miles

Total- 32 miles

Tuesday's run was at lunch when temps. had already hit 90 degrees. I love the heat, and running in the heat, but this was a little tough.
I decided to try to acclimate myself back to getting up before work and running. Wed.'s and Thurs's runs were at 4:30 a.m. It wasn't too bad. I actually kind of enjoyed it once I got going- all except for the number of vehicles I encounter that early in the morning.
I wanted to run my 10 miler on Sat morning but didn't have much motivation to run for some reason. By the time I finally made myslef get out of the door to run it was hot, then I decided to cut the run to 4-5 miles. I ended up running 5 miles, alot faster than I have been running. I don't know where that came from but I'll take it.
Sunday went out to run and bad thunderstoms rolled through the area. Waited a couple of hours and went out for a nice 10 mile run in a soft sprinkle of rain. Other than the extreme humidity it was very enjoyable.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Recap of week beginning 06-12-06:
I am still not getting in the miles I want to but I am getting in some quality miles so I am happy with that.

Mon- swam 800 yards
Tues- upper body/core weights
Wed- 3 miles
Thurs- 5 miles
Fri- no run
Sat- 3 miles
Sun- 7 miles

Glenn was feeling better by Monday night and went back to school Tuesday, then started acting like he was feeling bad again but didn't really run a fever.
Friday I took him to school for "Donuts with Dad" for Father's Day. What fun!! Then came time for me to leave and go to work and he didn't want me to leave his school.... and I didn't want to leave.
As far as running. I didn't get the quantity of miles in, but what I did get in were good runs, especiually the Thurs and Sun run. I don't think I get warmed up good on a 3 mile run and it is over before I know it.

I said this last week, and I will say it again.... hopefully I can get back in the mid 20's in mileage this week and bump into the 30's next week.

I am not sure about my upcoming marathons. I thought I had pretty much settled on Richmond, but then I saw the new marathon in the Outer Banks. That would make for a nice race and a nice vacation afterwards.

Then there was a new marathon announced last week of March 2007 for Atlanta that I think will be my Georgia marathon.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Recap of week beginning 06-05-06:
Mon- 3 miles
Tues- no run
Wed- 5 miles
Thurs- no run
Fri- biked 6 miles
Sat- 4 miles
Sun- 3 miles

Total- 15 miles

I was going to shoot for a week in the mide 20's, but my weekend long runs didn't happen. We took Glenn to the park on Thursday evening to fly his first ever kite and I twisted my ankle. Couldn't run on Friday at all so I biked 6 miles.
I went out Saturday afternoon and ran a very easy 4 miles. A little swelling afterwards but it actually felt sort of "ok"- just minimal pain. Went out Sunday afternoon for an easy 3 mile run and it was about the same- so hopefully this week I will get back in the mid 20's with mileage and back on my way to base building and getting ready for the next program.

I am worried about Glenn. Even when he is sick he still plays and is somewhat happy. But, what ever he has really has a hold of him this time. He started with a low grade fever last Wed. night so we took him to the doc and he had a right ear infection. His temp went up to 104/105 on Friday but would come down with meds, so the doc said to just watch it. Sat. was more of the same so we took him back to the doc. Add on left ear infection and chest congestion. Fevers still going up over 104. Sunday was a little better as his temp was arund 101 or below, then Sunday night back up to 104.9. He just lays around very lathargic and doesn't want to do anything- I don't blame him. His skin is so hot to the touch. His temp is right around 101 again this morning and the doc said to give it 24 more hours to give the new med we got Saturday do some good. He is always smiling and so happy and full of energy I hate to see him like this.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Recap for week of 05-31-06:
Mon- 0 miles
Tues- 0 miles
Wed- 0 miles
Thurs- 0 miles
Fri- 0 miles
Sat- 7.2 miles 1 mile warm up; 10K race
Torture Trail 10K race
Sun- 0 miles

Even though I wanted to get out and run this week it seemed like there was always something getting in the way- mainly work. It seemed like I was exhausted all week and didn't make myself get out of bed and run before work and didn't have time to run at lunch.

I had signed up for the Torture Trail 10K race so I figured I would go run that. Kathy and I were talking about it Friday night and neither of really cared if we went to the race or skipped it, but in the end decide to go.

We go to Eatonton, Ga (one and half hours from the house) and I picked up my packet and went for a 1 mile warm up. I felt ok- not great, not horrible.

The course starts off on a bit of a flat for .4 mile and then a down hill. After a turn and a flat you start up a small hill, small flat, then a big steep hill. Miles 3 and 4 are through some neighborhoods and more uphill than down. Nearing the end of mile 4 you go about .1 from the finish line and then loop back out for your last bit of the course- which includes the hill that we got to run down at the start.

My goal is to try and run as close to 7 minute miles as possible in 10K's. I know I have a lot of work to do to get back to this speed. I plan on starting speed work back up soon and hopefully by summer's end I will be able to hold this pace again.

I made sure I held back on the first mile instead of sprinting out like I normally do and almost hit the pace right on. The rest of the run went down the drain from there mentally and physically. I walked 3 different times in mile 4 and again 3 times in mile 6. I just lost concentration mentally and didn't have it physically to push through. Coming through the last .2 of the race I heard 2 people coming up behind me so I just scooted to the side and let them race to the finish. I finished 6 minutes slower than my time in this race in 2003.

After the race I realized that I had slightly strained my back and my left achilles tendon in the race- and the pain in the ball of my left foot is back.
I am actually almost as sore after this race as I was after the marathon 2 weeks ago which is really wierd. Oh well, I am thinking this is a race that is good to forget about as soon as possible and it's time to move on and increase my base for the upcoming marathon program.

Race info:
mile 1- 7.04
mile 2- 7.52
mile 3- 8.04
mile 4- 8.32
mile 5- 7.57
mile 6- 8.37
.2 - 1.38

Total Time- 49.47