Recap for week of 05-31-06:
Mon- 0 miles
Tues- 0 miles
Wed- 0 miles
Thurs- 0 miles
Fri- 0 miles
Sat- 7.2 miles 1 mile warm up; 10K race
Torture Trail 10K race
Sun- 0 miles
Even though I wanted to get out and run this week it seemed like there was always something getting in the way- mainly work. It seemed like I was exhausted all week and didn't make myself get out of bed and run before work and didn't have time to run at lunch.
I had signed up for the Torture Trail 10K race so I figured I would go run that. Kathy and I were talking about it Friday night and neither of really cared if we went to the race or skipped it, but in the end decide to go.
We go to Eatonton, Ga (one and half hours from the house) and I picked up my packet and went for a 1 mile warm up. I felt ok- not great, not horrible.
The course starts off on a bit of a flat for .4 mile and then a down hill. After a turn and a flat you start up a small hill, small flat, then a big steep hill. Miles 3 and 4 are through some neighborhoods and more uphill than down. Nearing the end of mile 4 you go about .1 from the finish line and then loop back out for your last bit of the course- which includes the hill that we got to run down at the start.
My goal is to try and run as close to 7 minute miles as possible in 10K's. I know I have a lot of work to do to get back to this speed. I plan on starting speed work back up soon and hopefully by summer's end I will be able to hold this pace again.
I made sure I held back on the first mile instead of sprinting out like I normally do and almost hit the pace right on. The rest of the run went down the drain from there mentally and physically. I walked 3 different times in mile 4 and again 3 times in mile 6. I just lost concentration mentally and didn't have it physically to push through. Coming through the last .2 of the race I heard 2 people coming up behind me so I just scooted to the side and let them race to the finish. I finished 6 minutes slower than my time in this race in 2003.
After the race I realized that I had slightly strained my back and my left achilles tendon in the race- and the pain in the ball of my left foot is back.
I am actually almost as sore after this race as I was after the marathon 2 weeks ago which is really wierd. Oh well, I am thinking this is a race that is good to forget about as soon as possible and it's time to move on and increase my base for the upcoming marathon program.
Race info:
mile 1- 7.04
mile 2- 7.52
mile 3- 8.04
mile 4- 8.32
mile 5- 7.57
mile 6- 8.37
.2 - 1.38
Total Time- 49.47