Week of 21 Sept 2009:
The last couple of weeks has been tough and with the added mileage I have had I was getting exhausted. Going in to the weekend I wasn't sure if I was going to do a 20 miler or make this a cut back week and do 12. When I woke up Sat. morning I opted for the latter. I turned over and went back to sleep- not for long but the added sleep was nice. Once up I lounged around for most of the morning and then the day got kind of hectic. I decided to do 6 on Saturday and 12 on Sunday. The rain and storms ended my 6 mile run at 4.6 miles. The 12 run on Sunday was excellent!! I am still kind of tired but I think the cut back week was exactly what I needed.
Mon- bike- 10 miles
Tues- run- 6.2 miles; bike- 10 miles
Wed- run- 8.3 miles; bike- 10 miles
Thurs- run- 6.2 miles
Fri- rest day
Sat- run- 4.6 miles
Sun- run- 12 miles
Total- Run- 37.3 miles; bike- 30 miles