The weather is finally turning warm and hopefully will be here to stay. The mornings are still a little chilly (by my standards)- hopefully they will be warming up soon too!
Running wise I am slowly trying to get something that resembles a base. Nothing to write home about yet but I am slowly getting there.
I had the pleasure of seeing Dane twice this week. He was in town for work and Kathy, Glenn, and I were able to get over Monday evening and meet him for dinner. Then as he was coming back through town on his way north of the city it worked out that he was able to stop by for a run with Derek (a co-worker that is training to bust a 3:10 this fall in a tough marathon) and I. Luckily we had a great evening to run and a great run- a little slow for Dane and Derek but perfect pace for me. You can read more about Dane here: