Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Last year when I would take Glenn to the park when I would run or we would take him there to play on the play ground he would run over to the baseball fields and watch and say that he wanted to play baseball. As time went on we kept asking him and he said that he did want to play so Santa Clause brought him a baseball glove this year. He turns 4 in March and the age cut off for beginners is four years old by 30 April, so we signed him up. The season starts in a few weeks so we are working on some skills now. We bought a tee that his league will be hitting off of and he did really well his first time out this past weekend. His hand eye coordination was pretty good for the first time out.

Monday, January 28, 2008

We actually go snow twice in the last two weeks. Of course it melted away over night but that is fine. Glenn got to see his first snow and build his first snow man.

I am floating in space right now as far as training plans and race plans.... and don't see anything on the horizon. I need to get a plan and start sticking to it. It has been entirely too easy to get lazy and not do anything if I don't feel like it.

The last few weeks have been pretty busy work wise and with events outside of work but I could make time for a short run if I was motivated.

Week of 31 Dec 2007:
Mon- 4.1 miles (5K plus a 1 mile warm up/cool down)
Tues- 4.1 miles (5K plus a 1 mile warm up/cool down)
Wed- no run
Thurs- no run
Fri- 4 miles
Sat- no run
Sun- no run

Total- 12.2 miles

Week of 07 Jan 2008:
Mon- 4.2 miles
Tues- 4 miles
Wed- no run
Thurs- 4 miles
Fri- no run
Sat- 3 miles
Sun- no run

Total- 15.2 miles

Week of 14 Jan 2008:
Mon- No run
Tues- No run
Wed- 4 miles
Thurs- No run
Fri- 3.1 miles
Sat- no run
Sun- 6 miles

Total- 13.1 miles

Week of 21 Jan 2008:
Mon- No run
Tues- No run
Wed- No run
Thurs- Run -3 miles; Bike- 5 miles
Fri- No run
Sat- Run- 4 miles; Swim- 500 yards
Sun- No run

Total- 7 miles run; 5 miles bike; 500 yards swim

Monday, January 07, 2008

As stated earlier I ended up taking most of December off. The weekly miles were:
Week Of: Miles:
03 Dec 0
10 Dec 10
17 Dec 0
24 Dec 7

I have wanted to run a race on the last day of the year and first day of the new year for a while but have never done. There are two races close enough to me to do that now so I did this year.

On New Years Eve, I ran a race called the Flashlight 5K. The race started at 6:00 p.m. in a neighboring city. The course was lined with people with flashlights and they shined the light on the road for you throughout the race. There were no mile markers so I didn't know what pace I was running nor have mile splits for the race. I didn't push it has hard as I could because of not really being in shape to truly race a 5K. Finishing time was 24:38. I was 4th place in the division and 57th place overall.

On New Years day I ran a race in Athens. The day was sunny, cold, and 20 mph winds. I have run quite a few races at this park and know it well... also knew it was wide open so the wind was going to be brutal. We took off and I ran at a hard effort again but no where near the "race" effort I used to run. Finish time was 24:19. I was 5th in my division and 41st overall. Mile splits were:
mile 1- 7:36
mile 2- 8:05
mile 3- 7:48
. 1- .48

I have a lot of work to do to get back to where I was 3 years ago but at least know where I stand now and where I need to go.

On to the new year!!!