Monday, April 24, 2006

Recap of week beginning 04-17-06:
The week started off pretty good but ended up with a very busy weekend and no runs. It was a drop back week (of sorts) so I wasn't real worried about getting anything over 10-12 miles in over the weekend, but with the timing of all of the plans for the weekend I didn't get any in.

Mon, 04-17: No run
Tues, 04-18: 3 miles
Wed, 04-19: 5 miles
Thurs, 04-20: 5 miles
Fri, 04-21: 6.1 miles (2 mile warm up, 5K race, 1 mile cool down)
Sat, 04-22: No run
Sun, 04-23: No run

Total miles- 19.1

There was a 5K Friday evening that I usually run every year. I wasn't sure if I was going to run it or not. I got home from work and decided to run it so we took off so I could get registered and go for a little warm up. Glenn was wearing his new shirt that has "Run Daddy Run" stitched on the front.
After going for a 2 mile warm up I walked to the start line and lined up about where I thought I should be. I think I only ran two to three 5-K's last year and this was my first this yer so I really didn't know what I would run and took a guess at where to line up.

The race started and I saw Kathy and Glenn about .25 miles up the course. I ran on the side of the course and gave Glenn a hight 5 as I went by. As I passed I heard if him laugh and tell the guy next to him "that's my Daddy".

We came up on the mile 1 marker and I hit the split - 6.39. I thought "is that too fast, too slow." I had no idea. I was breathing pretty good but knew I still had 2.1 miles to go on a hot humid night. I slowed a little and the guy next to me fell in behind me. Came up on the 2 mile marker and hit the split- 7.06. My breathing was better and I was kind of in a relaxed stride so I continued on at this pace. The guy that had been behind me took off at the 2 mile marker and passed me. I dropped in behind him for a bit. At about 2.5 we came upon and passed another guy. Then at 2.75 miles I took off with everything I had and passed the guy back. As I passed him he said "I'm done- go hard!" I shouted back at him to push though and come with me- we were almost done. We hit the 3rd mile at 7:11. We turned the corner and headed to the finish line. Last .1 was 40 seconds. The guy finished about 10 seconds behind me.
1- 6.39
2- 7.06
3- 7.11
.1- .40

Final time of race was 21:38. That was good enough for 28th place over all and 3rd in my age group.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Recap for week of 04-10-06:

Mon, 04-10: No run
Tues, 04-11: 6 miles
Wed, 04-12: No run- crazy busy at work
Thurs, 04-13: 3 miles. work still crazy but I have to get out and run, even if it is low mileage
Fri, 04-14: 18.5 miles with 1L at Stone Mtn. I lost it mentally around mile 14.5, then had some leg cramping issues (left calf, right quad) starting at mile 16. I walked a pretty good bit in the last 2.5 miles.
Sat, 04-15: 6 mile run- felt surprising well
Sun, 04-16: 2.5 miles. That's all I had time for due to Easter plans. I don't know if these short runs fo me any good or not but I just wanted/needed to get miles in.

For the first time, I guess because I realized how close I am to Green Bay, I really wondered if I should cancel Green Bay. My training has been so up and down. I know you don't base anything on 1 long run, but I was really disappointed after my long run on Friday. Granted, I ran (mostly) 18.5 miles, and some of them were right at marathon pace, but I just really had a lot of doubt in my ability to run a marathon after that run.

I am going to see what happens over the next couple of weeks and see how I feel.

I didn't post a recap for the week of 04-03-06. There was nothing to report except for one little 5 mile run on Thursday, 04-06-06. Other than that for the week, not much exercise. I had a lot going on with work and other stuff. I had soem pockets where I could have gone out and gotten 3-4, maybe 5-6 miles in, but the motivation and energy wasn't there.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Recap for week of 03-27-06:
Mon, 03-27- 3 miles. Wanted to run at recovery pace but ended up running faster.
Tues, 03-28- No run.
Wed, 03-29- 5 miles
Thurs, 03-30- 5 miles with 5X100M strides
Fri, 03-31- No run
Sat, 04-01- 17 miles at Stone Mountain with Michele. Great run, but rained for almost the entire run.
Sun, 04-02- 4 miles at recovery pace.

Total- 34

All of the runs felt good. I had some soreness Monday left over from Sunday's race.
I was only going to run 16 on Saturday but decided to go ahead and do 17 since that is what Michele had on the schedule. I am glad she was there as I am pretty sure I wouldn't have finished had she not been there to push me through the tough parts. Avg. pace was 8:43 with last 2 miles at a 7:56 avg.
The runs are getting better (again). As the weather continues to warm up, I can get out in the mornings before work and get some miles in and get on more of a schedule (again).