Recap for week of 04-10-06:
Mon, 04-10: No run
Tues, 04-11: 6 miles
Wed, 04-12: No run- crazy busy at work
Thurs, 04-13: 3 miles. work still crazy but I have to get out and run, even if it is low mileage
Fri, 04-14: 18.5 miles with 1L at Stone Mtn. I lost it mentally around mile 14.5, then had some leg cramping issues (left calf, right quad) starting at mile 16. I walked a pretty good bit in the last 2.5 miles.
Sat, 04-15: 6 mile run- felt surprising well
Sun, 04-16: 2.5 miles. That's all I had time for due to Easter plans. I don't know if these short runs fo me any good or not but I just wanted/needed to get miles in.
For the first time, I guess because I realized how close I am to Green Bay, I really wondered if I should cancel Green Bay. My training has been so up and down. I know you don't base anything on 1 long run, but I was really disappointed after my long run on Friday. Granted, I ran (mostly) 18.5 miles, and some of them were right at marathon pace, but I just really had a lot of doubt in my ability to run a marathon after that run.
I am going to see what happens over the next couple of weeks and see how I feel.
Tough call, Alan. Me, I'm happy, gleeful, even, that I downgraded to the Green Bay 1/2, but then, it's a close-enough race for me to do that - no really expensive travel involved.
Anyhow, remember, this running stuff's just a hobby.
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