Recap of last week:
Mon- No run
Tues- 5 miles
Wed- 4 miles
Thurs- 5 miles
Fri- rest day
Sat- 3 miles
Sun- 5 miles
Total- 22 miles
Had a great week of training..... if I was training for a 5K/10K race, but I am training for a marathon and needed a long run. I had planned on doing it Saturday but never got around to it. I scrambled and got a 3 miles run in. And thought about the long Sunday, but again scrambled to get 5 miles in.
Glenn turned 2 on Sunday. We had 2 parties for him- Sat. with my side of the family and Sun with Kathy's side of the family.
Incredible- I can't believe he is 2 years old already. Seems just yesterday we were in Dallas adopting him. I sat back at the parties and watched as Glenn opened his presents and the surprise on his face with each opening. And the way he played and interacted with all of his cousins and aunts/uncles/grandparents. He is becoming such a little boy- no baby left in him. He got hot wheels cars and track as well as other trucks and things. What a great weekend.... and so what if I missed my long run.... I got to celebrate my sons birthday with family.
The picture at the top is of Glenn after he blew his candles out.
Sweet. Happy Birthday to Glenn, turning two is very big-boy!
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