I didn’t realize it had been so long since I have posted. Since the events started with Vicki’s untimely illness and death things have been crazy. We are finally starting to settle down a bit and get in to a flow at work.
As far as other things going on- Glenn started Pre-K last week. He was so excited about going to his ‘big boy” school but now wants to go back to his other school where his friends are. Hopefully he will adjust soon.
Soccer started for Glenn a couple of weeks ago. We had our first game this past Saturday and I guess it went about as well as one would expect a 4 yr old soccer game to go. I think I ran more than any of the kids on the team trying to get them to run up and down the field for the ball. Oh yea… did I mention I was coaching the team?
A few weeks ago I started having some weird feelings in my chest and left arm. I figured it was just all of the stress I was under at work but with thing that happened to Vicki I wasn’t going to play around. I went in for a physical and all of the blood work came back fine but there was something on the EKG they didn’t like and there were the words “borderline” in the one of the blanks. The one funny thing was that it showed my heart rate at 45. I had to explain that even though right now I am not in real good shape that I am a distance runner. I was referred to the cardiologist.
I went in for my stress test and echogram this past Wed. I got on the tread mill for the stress test and she started the testing. I was told that I needed to get my HR up to 145 (80% of my max) for the test. After a few minutes of the test and I was still at 70 she started calling me “Mr. Healthy”. Then after about 15 minutes and a few computer generated t-mill adjustments I was finally at a speed and incline that raised my HR enough to complete the test. I got a call from the stress test and they said no problem there- blood flow was good. Now I am just awaiting the results of the echogram.
Running wise I am finally kind of back on track. After weeks of running 2 and 3 miles total I ran just over 20 last week and will be about the same this week (if all goes as planned). This is a good thing given the fact that I am 17 weeks out from the Rocket city marathon.
That’s about it for now- hope everyone is doing well!