Monday, July 21, 2008

What a crazy week+ is has been. My boss is still in a deep coma. They have turned the ventilator down to 35% and that is the minimum they will go. The pulminary doc isn't too concerned now and said that it is time for the nuero doc to see what's going on. My boss still has a lot of fluid draining- I don't know much about it but it seems that maybe it should be stopped by now. Either way- this is going to be long long process to see what's going to happen.

I have run a grand total of 3.1 miles in the last couple of weeks. We are splitting things up between two of us work wise but as the only manager of the group I am temporarily responsible for the department. I have no idea what the long term plan is. All I know is I don't want to keep up with the what the pace has been this past week.


At 3:49 PM, Blogger 1L said...

Just checking in for news on your boss. Nothing good, but nothing bad - sending mor prayers in her direction. Hang in there, Alan.

At 9:28 AM, Blogger skousend said...

You're doing great Alan. We're very happy you've been able to step up to the plate like this. A great many people at MI have complete confidence in you and are pleased with the way you have stepped into the leadership vacuum. You've shown compassion, care, competence and trust -- qualities that encourage us to stand behind you as we go forward. We're here for each other and we'll be fine. Thanks.

At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prayers for your boss.


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