Thursday, June 26, 2008

Trip and stuff.
We got back from Arkansas on Sunday. We had a nice time visiting and catching up on news. This trip is always a tough one. When I am away from home I am always anxious to get back home, but when I leave there I always get kind of sad that I am leaving. I get to go to the town where I lived in the summers as I was growing up and also get to go to the farm where I spent a lot of time with my grandparents. The old home place and the barn haven't been kept up to well and really need a lot of work. These days there are no cows, no horses, no gardens, no tractors and all of the pastures are growing up. We took a ride down through the fields and the weeds and stuff are over head high. It's hard to look at it the farm in that shape and not get sad. My grand father worked hard as a forester/farmer and would hate to see the farm in that shape. I guess things change over time... and I deal with change well... but that is just kind of a heritage thing I guess.

On the way back to Georgia on Sunday I started feeling pretty bad- sore throat, head ache, achey muscles/joints. My step mom was feeling bad on Saturday so I guess I picked up what ever she had. I am still not feeling 100% but am feeling somewhat better.

The running has been slow go. After missing 1 1/2 weeks with the achilles, then busy weekend, and then the trip I wanted to start back up strongly. But the cold (or whatever I had) had me feeling bad and I wasn't able to get back in to it like I wanted. I ran 3 on Monday, 4 on Wed., and 3 this morning. The run on Monday had to be funny to watch- I felt like I was flailing my arms and legs every where. My stride felt so off. Wed.'s run felt better and this morning was ok. Guess I just had to remind my arms and legs what they were supposed to do.

I want to wish a Happy 34th Birthday Derek... my (as Glenn calls him) work running buddy. Have a good one Derek.


At 1:35 PM, Blogger Jaye, Runner. said...

Oh Alan, I hope your head/throat and body recover from your trip! I've been taking half doses of something like Tylenol Allergy-sinus, and I try to drink a cup of green tea with it so the antihistamine doesn't knock me out. It seems to help a lot. My noses is still running as fast as my legs when I'm out; it's as bad as running in the winter!

At 10:08 AM, Blogger Rick said...

Welcome home! Hope you get to feeling better soon.

I know how you felt seeing the degradation of your old homesteads. I've felt that way when I've returned to the upper peninsula in Michigan where my parents are from and see my grandparents old home and my great uncle and grandma's former farm. It does just make you sad. Kind of like the physical decay of the property somehow decays your memories a bit.

Hope you get to feeling better and the runs continue to improve. Have a good week... my turn to get out of Dodge for a week - heading to the Smokies with the fam and another family for vacation tomorrow morning.

At 1:34 PM, Blogger skousend said...

Thanks Alan! Hope your cold starts its retreat soon. It could have a side benefit though, by helping you ramp up slowly into your running schedule -- rather than letting you charge back full blast.

Sounds like it was a good trip for you and Glen. A chance to touch base and reconnect with all the breadth of family feelings is a great thing.


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