Monday, June 04, 2007

Week of 05-28-07

Another good week. I bumped up a mile here and there to try to get to 35 miles for the week and came up 1 short. I was on schedule until my last run of the week when I cut it the run 1 mile short. The temp gauge read 86 degrees and I felt it! I did good until about 4.5 miles and then just bonked. That's fine for now- I feel great about the progess I am making in base building and hope it continues.
For 3-4 weeks now I have been having trouble with my lower right leg on the inside of shin just above my ankle. I am hoping I strained it some how and it will heal soon. It only hurts every once in a while when I step just right and the weight in on the inside of leg. I have started taking Calcium again which I had stopped about 3-4 months ago when I ran out. A side effect of this is I have started trying to make sure the weight is on the outside of my foot when I run and I am having problems with me soleus muscle and/or achilles.

Monday, Memorial Day, was a rest day. We stayed at the lake until that evening- nice relaxing day.

Tuesday- 5 miles at lunch at the greenway. I was pretty sore from skiing on Sat. It had to be comical to watch me for the first 100 yards or so of my run.

Wed- I wore my gps today as I wanted to add a little more to my run and see what I needed to do to get 6 miles in on the trails at the greenway. It worked out perfectly to add 1 of the other trails and put me right at 6 miles at the parking lot. I now have a 4 mile, 5 mile, and 6 mile route on the trails.

Thurs- I did the 6 mile course again.

Fri- rest day

Sat- 12 miles at Stone Mtn. Overall a very good run. One funny thing about this run. I saw a couple of people going out on their run that I knew was fast. I had seen 1 of them in a half marathon that I ran a little over a year ago. I was at the 1.5 mile mark of my run, they were headed in the opposite direction at about the .5 mark of their run. Fast forward to a set of hills. I was at about the 5.5 mile mark and I hear steps behind me... fast steps. The 2 guys blew past me. I guess they did the big loop which is 8+ miles the way they were going, so they were probably at the 6.5 mile mark of their run. I watched them fly up the hill in front of me- perfect form, looking like they were just gliding up the hill. It was really fun to watch.

Sun- ran 5 miles after church. Was suppoed to be 6 miles but bonked at 4.5 miles and cruised in to make it 5. May have been the 86 degree temp or may have been the increase in miles the last 2 weeks- not sure. If I would have had time I might have grabbed a bottle fo water and got a drink and gone back out for 1 more but we were going to one of our friends 50th birthday party and I needed to get home to clean up anyway. I am glad I didn't run another one though because I pretty much didn't have any energy for the rest of the day. Mentally I felt ok but physically I was drained.

Mon- rest day
Tues- 5 miles
Wed- 6 miles
Thurs- 6 miles
Fri- rest day
Sat- 12 miles
Sun- 5 miles

Total- 34 miles


At 1:42 PM, Blogger 1L said...

Glad to see things are coming together Alan. We will have to meet out at Stone Mtn for a run before I leave for NY.


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