Recap for week begnning 04-23-06:
Mon- No run scheduled
Tues- Upper body weights; no run
Wed- a.m.- 6 mile run; p.m.- 600 yard swim
Thurs- 3 mile run
Fri- No run scheduled
Sat- 6 mile run. I missed my window for a run a run and could only run 6 due to plans
Sun- again- missed my window for a run and due to plans couldn't get it in.
I need to try to get at least a 15 mile run in by Wed. I have always heard it is better to go in to a marathon under trained than over trained. Where is the line between undertrained and trained? Is it an arbritrary number? I have some long runs in, but have been very inconsistant with them. I don't have any high mileage weeks in, but do I have enough. I have no idea.
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