Sunday, October 05, 2008

I could kick myself in the tail for letting myself get so out of shape and add so much weight. This morning at church I had two people say something to me about the weight I have put on and it seems when ever I see some one that hasn't seen me in a while they make a comment about it. I just have to remember I didn't put it on over night and it's not going to come off over night.... but one imnportant word is going to be "discipline"!!!!

This week I was able to hit all of my runs even though I was tired and had a motivation problem a couple of days. I am glad I went out on those days because it made a world of differnce in my mood.

Mon- no run
Tues- 4 miles
Wed- 4.5 miles
Thurs- 4.3 miles
Fri- no run
Sat- 6 miles
Sun- 10 miles

Total- 28.8 miles


At 8:59 AM, Blogger Rick said...

Hey, Alan! Great to see you posting- AND RUNNING - consistently again. I can so relate to the weight issue during my period of inactivity and had to remind myself (and still do) that I didn't put the weight on all at once - as easily as it seems to go on.

Great job in hitting all your runs last week! That's awesome! Good week in mileage as well. I'm still playing it quite conservative in building miles, but have been feeling pretty good.

Great to see you posting again!

At 5:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work but certainly be careful not to get to high to quick with the miles.

Also thanks for the mention.


At 5:46 AM, Blogger Mar said...

Hey Alan!!!

Why do people find it their business to point out to you that you've gained weight?? Ugh. People suck sometimes.

Look at that mileage you're putting in! Well done, you!!:)

Take care and keep on posting...

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Jaye, Runner. said...

Great job on all those runs Alan! It is always so hard to get started again after a break. Keep it up!


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