Sunday, September 21, 2008

Been gone for a while again. I have been extremely busy at work. We still haven't hired a replacement for Vicki. I am not really sure what the plans are for that except I am told they are currently looking for someone.
I was able to take my scheduled vacation last week. We went to Panama City Beach for the week. There are some vacations you can't wait to be over and those that you don't want to end. This one was the latter- Kathy and I both agreed that we wish it could have lasted about 3-4 more days.
The doctor's office called and had to cancell my follow up appointment but I will reschedule soon. I am still not running much but am picking it up a little- I actually had double digit mileage this week for the 1st time in a while.
The weather is cooling a bit here in the Southeast so that should help as I try to rebuild a base (or something like that).

I hope everyone is doing well and your running/training is going well!!


At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear you're running -- hope you get good news from the doc.

At 9:42 AM, Blogger skousend said...

Nice to have you back Alan, though I'm not surprised you could use another couple of days out there. I'm jealous of your running. I've got at least another week, but I'm signed up for a small 5K in two weeks. Maybe I'll be able to jog it. This is definitely some nice fall weather to take advantage of.


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