Friday, January 06, 2006

I thought I would start a blog to chronicle the events of trying to get back into running. That may sound funny, because I have never quit running. But, this year I didn't even run half of the miles I have run the past few years. I finished the year with 975 miles instead of the close to 2000 miles I have run the past few years.
My miles are down, my mile times are up, and my weight is up. I am trying to get my base built back to 25 to 30 miles a week and then move to the high 30's when training starts for the Green Bay marathon on January 16. By the middle of the program, I should be approaching 50 - 60 miles a week. I am using the Pritzinger 18 week, 55 mile a week program that I have modifed a bit. I used this program through out 2003 when I hit PR's at all distances from 5K through the marathon. The only difference- I am 2 1/2 years older, I am a daddy now, and I am 15-20 lbs over weight.
I am in a different job now that allows me more time to run in the morning before work and hit the gym at lunch for either a cycle, weight, or swim workout, so hopefully I can utilize that time as well.

Green Bay- May 21--- here I come.


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